這幾天小光來我家玩,看到aden+anais Mickeys 90th Collection Swaddle, Single Pack


急性子的小光卻要我馬上陪他去買僅此一檔搶先看>aden+anais Mickeys 90th Collection Swaddle, Single Pack


雖然懶惰,但精打細算的我還是查了一下aden+anais Mickeys 90th Collection Swaddle, Single Pack



aden+anais Mickeys 90th Collection Swaddle, Single Pack










aden+anais Mickeys 90th Collection Swaddle, Single Pack 2019

On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of Mickey Mouse aden+anais presents an exclusive metallic Disney collection with well-known images from the life of the world's most popular mouse.

The versatile swaddles by the American manufacturer aden+anais will add some oomph to your everyday life with your newborn baby - perfect for giving away, collecting, cuddling up in and swaddling.

Mothers all over the world love the soft and breathable swaddles made of 100% cotton muslin. The premium fabric is particularly breathable, hardwearing, resilient and smooth so that your little one can cuddle up in the swaddles and feel super comfy. The highlight2018熱門商品找便宜 of these swaddles is that the more you wash them the softer and cosier their fabrics gets.

The art of swaddling goes back many generations. aden+anais' swaddles contain natural muslin and features a large size of 120 x 120 cm which makes it particularly easy for you to swaddle your baby. Being swaddled resembles the familiar feeling your little one had when he was in your womb - thus, he will feel comfortable and be able to sleep peacefully. The breathable fabric reduces the risk of suffering from hyperthermia.

At the same time, the soft and cuddly cloths can be used in various ways so that they act as a versatile helper that eases everyday life with a baby. You can use the swaddle as a sun cover for your pram, as a burp cloth, as a changing or cuddly blanket or as a cover while breastfeeding your baby. When rolled up, you can store the swaddle in a space-saving size and keep it ready at hand whenever you need it.


  • Swaddle in a single pack

  • Perfect for giving away and collecting

  • Size: 120 cm x 120 cm

  • Breathable fabric

  • 100% cotton muslin

  • Versatile




aden+anais Mickeys 90th Collection Swaddle, Single Pack





台海若真開戰 美媒:台灣足以抵擋共軍入侵

美國《華盛頓郵報》( The Washington Post )集團旗下的《外交政策》( Foreign Policy )雜誌,今( 27 )日發表專文指出,台海之間若真的爆發戰爭,台灣將足以抵擋共軍入侵,就算美國不援助也不成問題,因此台灣與西方國家都應對台灣的防衛能力抱持更加樂觀的態度。

這篇由曾經旅居中國大陸的美國分析師葛里爾( Tanner Greer )所撰、名為「台灣能贏得與中國的戰爭」( Taiwan Can Win a War With China )專文指出,根據中國大陸軍方的文件顯示,兩岸戰爭將網路熱銷銷售排行榜以飛彈揭幕,屆時大陸會以飛彈打擊台灣沿岸,目標鎖定機場、通聯樞紐、雷達設備、交通樞紐,以及政府機關等,接著便會展開大規模的兩棲登陸作戰。

然而葛里爾指出, 1990 爆發的波灣戰爭,以美國為首的聯軍一共投擲了 8.85 萬噸彈藥,都摧毀不了單一伊拉克公路機動飛彈發射車;北約針對塞爾維亞防空設施空襲了 78 天,最後也只摧毀了塞爾維亞 22 個機動飛彈連的其中 3 個。葛里爾認為,共軍不可能有比此更高的成功率。


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中央社記者黃自強新加坡傳真 107年6月27日

aden+anais Mickeys 90th Collection Swaddle, Single Pack

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